How to Split Test Facebook


Ahh, we have to try this, what a cool way to test different types of posts!

Split testing compares two similar but different versions of something (e.g., a Facebook post or ad, landing page design, etc.). When each version is published, you track its performance and determine which one provides the best results related to your goals. You keep the one that’s working.

Split Test Facebook Page Posts

Here are the steps you need to follow to split test your Facebook Page posts.

1. Post With Purpose

What do you want your post to do? What results are you looking for? The answers to those questions determine what and how you share content with your current and potential Facebook audiences.

Most, if not all, of your goals are going to rely on getting people to click your links and share your posts. Audiences respond best when you inspire, unite, amaze, advise or give (e.g., discounts or coupons). Use those tactics to get more clicks and shares.

A word of advice: Any status update that links back to your website or blog must reinforce the promise you made on Facebook.

While Upworthy-style headlines and status updates are all the rage these days, one of the criticisms of that style is that the content linked to the eye-catching and click-worthy headlines doesn’t always deliver on the promise.

2. Create Two Versions of Posts

To split test your Facebook posts, write a pair of updates you can test against one another. The key is to change only one or two elements so you have a good idea of what’s motivating any increases in engagement.

In the example below, Post Planner used the same article link but changed the post comment. The first version included a question.

The second version used a statement with a strong word (beware) to evoke emotion and curiosity. A small change in your text may make a big difference in engagement.

A few ideas for your split test are posting an update with a photo vs. text only; picture A vs. picture B, both with the same text; a picture vs. video post; call to action A vs. call to action B, both with the same photo.

3. Use Trackable Links

In order to track your two posts you’ll have to add something to the end of each URL so you can tell them apart in your report. If you’re fairly savvy with Google Analytics, you can use UTM tracking parameters to track engagement differences within your Analytics dashboard.

An easier way is to create a customized URL for each post you want to compare. For example, if the URL creates for you is, you’d add “ab1″ to the end so it becomes Then yound so “ab2″ to another version so it becomes

Below, ShortStack tested whether long or short posts resulted in more interaction with our audience. We tracked each update with a customized URL.

In the second version of the update, we used the same image, but posed a short question and used a different custom link.

4. Compare Post Engagement Results

To find out how each post did, paste the corresponding URL in your browser’s address bar and add a + sign to it. This will tell you how many times the link was clicked on.

If the first post did better, make it visible again and hide the second one. If the second one did better, leave it up!

Our report showed that after 15 minutes, our posts (question vs. statement) performed similarly.

You don’t have to split test every status update obviously, but if you’re trying to accomplish specific goals via your Facebook posts—sales or otherwise—it’s a relatively easy way to tell which kinds of updates your fans respond to best.

How to Split Test Facebook Posts and Facebook Ads

Google+ and SEO


MYTH – Social and SEO are completely unrelated 
In reality Google weighs content that has a strong social interaction heavier than content that does not have any social presence. 

Pro tip: Always post new content on Google+ this will make sure it’s indexed immediately.


Some more good Google+/SEO links.

Here are the apps teens actually love, in 5 charts


Facebook and Youtube reign supreme, with 61 percent and 55 percent of daily active users, respectively. Instagram and the Facebook-nemesis team over at Snapchat are neck-and-neck in the race for photo sharing apps (around 50 percent).

Signs are good for the beleaguered micro-messaging app, Twitter, with 35 percent, a trend that has seen dramatic growth over the past two years.

The sad panda award goes to Foursquare, with a self-reported zero-percent daily active userbase among teens (3 percent overall). Of course, there are certainly teens that use Foursquare daily, but not enough to be picked up in a pretty large survey.

Finally, no shocker: The largely unemployed slice of teens legally required to attend high school do not spend much time polishing their Linkedin Profiles (2 percent daily use) — this in spite of LinkedIn’sefforts to court college applicants.

The Atlantic’s Derek Thompson has a nice graph ranking all of the popular websites/services by daily use.

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How to Make Blog Posts SEO Friendly…


I love learning about SEO and this is a good, basic article for a “dummie” like me!

We’ve all heard it over and over again. “Content is king” when it comes to blogging.

However, in business we don’t just blog for fun; we blog for other reasons, including content marketing, to drive Web traffic, to show off your business expertise, and to generate leads.

Blog posts don’t only have to engage your audience; they also have to be SEO friendly. Did you know that 97 percent of people use search engines to find blog posts? That’s a lot of people who could stumble onto your blog through organic Internet searches, so you must make sure search engines can find your work.

Here are four things to keep in mind to make your business blog posts SEO friendly:

1. Use a clear title. One of the most important factors in content marketing is SEO within a blog post title. It is the first thing that someone sees when scrolling through links during an Internet search, and it’s also the first thing search engines analyze at when evaluating your content. The key to a great SEO-friendly title is to keep it simple. For example, if someone is searching for a recipe to make apple pie, they may search for, “how to make an apple pie,” or “apple pie recipes.” The important keywords in that search are “apple pie,” so when writing about the subject you want to make sure “apple pie” is in the blog post title.

2. Don’t stuff keywords. Though keywords are very important for any content marketing strategy, it’s important not to stuff a ton of keywords into blog posts just for the sake of SEO. Instead, focus on no more than three keywords for each post. This way, it helps keep you focused on writing the blog post instead of focusing on keywords. It’s also important to note that if you stuff your blog posts with too many different keywords, search engines are programmed to penalize your posts.

Tip: Try using long tail keywords in your blog posts. A long tail keyword is a very targeted search phrase that contains three or more words. It often contains a head term with two more generic words. For example, the head term could be “apple” while the long tail keyword would be “apple pie recipe.”

3. Include keywords in the body, but write in a readable way. Once you have your keywords, make sure you mention them at a normal pace throughout the blog post. This means you should include your keywords in a reader-friendly way throughout the content.

Tip: Stay away from repeating your keywords too many times throughout the post. Experts suggest mentioning keywords five times throughout the post for the best search engine optimization.

4. Write a comprehensive meta description. Another thing many people forget about when writing blog posts is to fill out the meta description. The meta description is meant to give search engines and your readers information about your blog post’s content. This is a great place to use keywords so that search engines are able to find your blog posts more easily.

For more information on SEO, check out Google’s SEO section in Webmaster Tools. This page can provide you with answers to a number of questions you may have about the best ways to optimize your website.

[RELATED: Get advanced brand journalism tips from Mark Ragan and Jim Ylisela. Register now for Chicago or Denver!]

Finally, remember for content marketing to work it’s not only about having an SEO-friendly blog post. It is also extremely important to write a blog post that is engaging to your audience.


4 Social Media Tools to Improve Your Social Media Marketing


#1: Manage the Appearance of Links to Your Website With Facebook Debugger

We all know Facebook updates that include pictures and snippets of their content do unbelievably better than ones that publish bare links. We’re a visual bunch, us humans.

Has this ever happened to you? You updated a page on your website with new images. Then, when you tried to publish a link to the page on Facebook, you found yourself staring at the link text for way too long.

The rest…

Facebook News Feed Update Gives Brands More Reach


Facebook‘s greatest asset to marketers has always been its audience — more than one billion active users, a figure that carries some weight.

Now, a new change to Facebook’s News Feed algorithm means brands will have greater reach than ever.

Beginning Tuesday, when a Page tags a separate brand or celebrity Page in a post, that content may surface for followers of both Pages. For example, if Mashable posts a story to Facebook and tags Google’s Page, the post could now appear in News Feed for both Mashable fans and Google fans.

In short, it’s a simple way for brands or celebrities to greatly expand their audience.

By tagging LEGO in this post, Mashable will now reach some of LEGO’s fans, too, even if they do not follow Mashable.

This feature was already operational for updates from friends. If you tag someone in a photo, for example, their friends may see that photo in News Feed even if you are not connected to them.

The difference here is that while your photo could appear in front of hundreds of other people, a Page post that tags Google could appear in front of thousands, if not millions of additional users. (Google has more than 15 million users who have Liked its Page.)

Facebook says it received positive feedback after testing this feature with users. The algorithm will take into account which users are engaging with content to determine if it is relevant for fans of both the Page that posted it, and the Page that was tagged. The new feature only works between Pages, meaning the typical user could not expand his audience by tagging a Page when posting.

Guide to Facebook Reach: What Marketers Need to Know


This article has some great tips and insights! Some blurbs:

Post reach and page reach, for example, are different and have different weight. Post reach is the number of people who saw a specific post in their news feed. Page reach is the number of people who saw any of your post content during a given period of time (daily, weekly or monthly).

These two reach metrics can be deceiving or confusing. If you don’t post very often, you may have a very high post reach, but a low page reach. If you post often (e.g., five times a day or more) you may have a low post reach, but a pretty high page reach.

Which one should you focus on? Ask yourself whether you want to have individual posts seen by the most fans or make sure your brand gets in front of your fans on a regular basis. Your answer determines which form of reach—post or page—is more important to you.

if you’re announcing a new product, new features, an ebook or webinar or other content you’ve spent hours on, isn’t it worth it to pay $30 or $50 to make sure your hard work is seen by 9,000 people instead of 1,000? Yes! Your time and specialized content are worth it. Why waste those efforts to save $30 or $50? That’s nonsense.

If you want to make the most of Facebook reach this year, I have a few ideas on how to do that. Posting relevant curated content or reposting your own evergreen content are great ways to encourage engagement (which translates to reach), especially when you post when your fans are on Facebook.

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